Koh Lanta to Krabi bus 2025: Schedule, Fares & Travel Info 

Koh Lanta to Krabi Bus Time

There are a total of more than 100 buses or vans for Koh Lanta to Krabi Bus transport options. The first minibus starts around 6.00 AM and reaches around 8.30AM depending on Destination. You can opt for Pick up and Drop off that is free of cost.

The Pick up and Drop off is comfortable if you have luggage. The popular destinations for ko Lanta to Krabi Bus transport are Krabi International Airport, Klong Jilad pier, Ao Nang, and Krabi Bus Stand.

The journey by bus is non stop and has to go through a car ferry. You can ask the Driver to open the door and see the view after the car board on the Car ferry. Most people use this break time for a smoke which is allowed on the car ferry.

The schedule is decided by a Tourist company and it is a private service. You can  hotel to help you book or can directly book by contacting the Van company.

Koh Lanta to Krabi Airport

Krabi International Airport is near to Koh Lanta and you don’t need to Krabi Town to reach the Airport. Koh Lanta to Krabi Airport takes around 2.5 hours once the bus is ready to leave Koh Lanta.

Please note that most passengers book Pick up service and Bus has to Travel all around Koh Lanta to pick up passengers which takes around an additional 30 to 40 minutes. So the total travel time for Koh Lanta to Krabi Airport is around 3 to 3.5 hours. Bus operates every 1 hour from 6.00 AM to 3.30 PM.

Koh Lanta to Krabi Bus Price 

The Ticket price of Bus for Koh Lanta to Krabi Bus is fixed and there is no need to negotiate. The price is usually 250 baht to 300 baht. Never pay more than 400 baht for a minibus transfer. You can pay additional cost if you have huge luggage.

Koh Lanta to Krabi Bus Schedule

ko Lanta to Krabi Bus Schedule is usually fixed. The Ko Lanta to Krabi Bus Schedule changes depend on your pick up and Drop off location. Ko Lanta to Krabi Bus starts from Old Town and goes through klong nin, Kantiang Bay, Phra ae and leaves Ko Lanta District from Saladan.

Buses are limited and passengers prefer this option. The buses are full quickly as it takes only 13 passengers at a time. It is recommended to book a bus one day before travel or as soon as possible to book your spot. You can book online or pay cash to hotel or booking agent.

Koh Lanta to Krabi Bus Fare

Koh Lanta to Krabi Bus Fare includes travel cost, Pickup and Drop off charges and doesn’t not provide any other amenities. The bus is air conditioned and clean with leather seats. The fare also includes ferry cost so you don’t need to pay additional. Confirm with the booking agent or driver about drop off before booking the minibus. Your hotel will coordinate with everything as most drivers don’t speak English.


1.Where to book  Koh Lanta to Krabi Bus?

You can book  Koh Lanta to Krabi Bus on popular booking platforms and through the tourist information center on Koh Lanta or directly contacting reception in your hotel.

2.How much is  Ko Lanta to Krabi Bus?

 Ko Lanta to Krabi Bus is around 250 baht to 400 baht. Never pay more than 400 baht for  Koh Lanta to Krabi Bus transfer.

3.Can I book  Ko Lanta to Krabi Bus online?

Yes, you can book  Ko Lanta to Krabi Bus transfer online on popular booking sites.



Koh lanta Guide

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