Koh Lanta to Krabi by Car 2025: Travel Time, Costs & Tips  

Koh Lanta to Krabi by Car Time  

Koh Lanta to Krabi by Car is similar to travelling Koh Lanta to Krabi by Bus but much quicker. The travel time from any origin in Koh Lanta to any destination in the Krabi is around 2-3 hours but at a higher cost than by bus. 

Koh Lanta Krabi has a rainy season and huge rain during Monsoon season so the travel time is affected if there is rain. The journey also includes a car ferry which takes around 30 minutes. Koh Lanta to Krabi by Car is a comfortable option if you have a good budget.

Koh Lanta to Krabi by Car Price  | Koh Lanta to Krabi by Car Fare 2025

The Koh Lanta to Krabi by Car price depends on the type of car. The price is smaller for small cars but has less area and price is higher for big cars which includes more people and more luggage.

You are expected to pay around 1500 to 2000 baht for the entire journey. Ko Lanta car services don’t work on kilometers but it is the whole package.

Traveling from Koh Lanta to Krabi by car is a convenient and flexible option, but with a higher budget. It is a more budget friendly option if you already have 4 passengers.


1.Where to book Koh Lanta to Krabi by Car?

You can book car at hotel Or by contacting the tourist information center office. You can search the data on the internet and directly call the driver.

2.Can I drive my car to Koh Lanta?

Yes, You can drive your car to Koh Lanta. Prepare the necessary documents and pay the ferry price which is around 100 baht for a car and 50 baht per person.

3.Can I drive a car inside a koh lanta?

Yes, Koh Lanta is a big town with good roads. Car is a better option to escape heat rather than a motorcycle. You can drive a car comfortably in Koh Lanta.


Koh lanta Guide

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